Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis

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Eight Factors that INCREASE the Risk of Osteoporosis

1. Diet and Lifestyle Choices

A diet too high in phosphoric acid causes calcium to be flushed from the body.  (Culprits: soda pop and white flour);

An acidic internal environment caused by too much animal protein, coffee, sugar, and/or alcohol, triggers the thyroid to pull calcium out of the bone to try and neutralize the blood;

Cigarette smoking stimulates loss of bone calcium.

 2. Medications

 Many Prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs (cough syrup, antacids,  

Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, cough syrup, anti-depressant drugs, birth     control pills, steroids) affect calcium  metabolism.

3. Faulty Digestive System

- if hydrochloric acid in the stomach is low, calcium and other nutrients do not absorb properly.

- if the liver is not making enough bile and/or the pancreas is not making enough pancreatic enzymes, then nutrients will not be utilized well in the body and will pass out, unused.

4. Inadequate Microflora

In the intestinal tract, we require from 3 to 5 pounds of “good” bacteria, also called “Microflora”.  If Microflora is low, calcium and other nutrients pass out of the body in urine or waste.  This is a VERY COMMON and VERY SERIOUS problem.

5. Lack of Exercise

Weight bearing exercise is essential.  Muscles pull on bones and stimulate bone production.

6. Deficiency of Nutrients

- bones are 65% protein.  We need at least 1/2 gm protein per pound of body weight.

- Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium/Magnesium, Trace Minerals, etc. in adequate amounts are essential.  Devitalized soils, a polluted world, and inadequate food choices presents a major challenge.  Many people have common deficiencies. 

7. Poor Quality Supplements

Many people are supplementing in good faith, believing that their brand is balanced, properly processed and delivering well to the blood streams. This is OFTEN not the case. Changing brands can change your life.

8. Glandular Problems

Glandular imbalances are a MAJOR factor in premature bone loss.  For example, if the thyroid is malfunctioning, we lose bone density; or if we are obese, our hormones will be out of balance, or if progesterone and estrogen are too much, too little, not the right proportion, etc. bones cannot rebuild themselves.  If you haven’t been to the doctor, get to the doctor.